sales strategy

Boost Holiday Sales - Make Your List and Check it Twice

Boost Holiday Sales - Make Your List and Check it Twice

E-commerce holiday sales increased by 59% last year. To take advantage of this growing segment of the population, now is the time to make sure your holiday marketing campaign is well planned to ensure it can be successfully implemented.

Should You Sell through Marketplaces or Your Website? Why Not Both?

Should You Sell through Marketplaces or Your Website? Why Not Both?

To be successful, you need to maintain a sell anywhere and everywhere attitude. The number of online purchases continues to grow every year.  E-commerce saw 2.3 trillion dollars in sales in 2017 and is predicted to exceed 4 trillion dollars by 2021. Some businesses rely on sales made through large online marketplaces, others depend solely on their website’s e-commerce ability. Let’s look at the advantages and challenges of both.