Content Amplification Techniques

Used effectively, content amplification is an impactful way to reach a broader audience and increase your links and website traffic. Consider the amplification process as a way to strengthen the signals of your posts. The process of content amplification isn’t a single strategy or technique. It incorporates multiple techniques not just when a post originally goes live, but also after that point through various boosting strategies. We’ve put together a list of content amplification techniques to help guide you through this extensive process.


Give Links to Get Authoritative Backlinks

A link’s job is to tell a search engine that people think your site is relevant and provides enough value to be advocated to a larger audience. A greater number of quality backlinks can impact your search rankings as well as the volume of traffic to your website.

Earn links by promoting others. Integrate quotes, highlight interviews, and speaking events. Interview a key influencer or big-ticket customer. Ask questions about topics your audience finds valuable or would benefit other, relevant websites. Mention influencers in your posts include a direct quote – play to the ego of major players.  Posts like these are often shared and help to create a cycle of link building.


Use Native Advertising

The term, native advertising, refers to a wide range of interpretations. The basic concept is that the advertising blends into the content with which it is presented. The focus of native advertising is to create ads that blend into their surroundings instead of being the main focus. All ads should provide value-added information to the content being displayed on the page. The best results are achieved when brands utilize channels their target audience is already using and acknowledge that high-quality content builds long-term relationships with high-quality customers.


Engage with Niche Communities

Traditional and digital public relations are powerful promotion outlets. That being said, you can supplement your work through those channels by genuinely engaging and providing value to germane niche communities. Become of trusted and valued member of the niche communities relevant to your brand. If your content is well-received by these highly focused groups, there is always a chance for your content to be syndicated by other blogs and media publications.


Feature Social Sharing Buttons

Multiple studies have shown that people spend more time on social media platforms than any other major Internet activity. If your target audience is spending time on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, your content needs to be pushed out to or promoted on those channels. Reverse that thinking in a manner and understand that people want to share your entertaining, educational, brilliant thinking on those same platforms.

Make it easy for people to share your website, email, and other content. Include social sharing buttons on your webpages and email communications and encourage readers to share the messages with their friends, family, and colleagues. Share buttons let people share your content the moment they even consider doing it, help you promote your content for free and also help to provide social proof for your material.


Include “Shoutouts”

A shoutout is simply when you include a tag like “featuring @username” of an industry expert or influencer you’ve cited in an article. Shoutouts are an easy way to thank people for their contribution to your field and can help you build professional relationships within your industry. They are also an excellent way to connect your brand with important and relevant names in your field.


Invest in Paid Social Amplification

Use paid social amplification to promote your content on multiple channels. Traditional paid social amplification methods include Twitter ads, Google + post ads, and Facebook ads. These relatively inexpensive investments can help you engage your readers and create stronger relationships with them. To gain the full benefit, include a visual component in your messages to better capture and hold the attention of your audience.


Use Email Outreach

Email is an open platform which makes it a powerful, low-cost marketing channel. The modern form of direct response marketing, email is one of the most effective inbound and outbound lead sources. Even with the increase in other channels of lead generation, email is still one of the most valuable is increasing content amplification.

Not all emails have to promote your business. Thank you, birthday, and holiday messages can all help build your relationships with customers. Seasonal content can help increase open rates but be ahead of the curve so your messages aren’t lost in a sea of holiday emails. Personalize the messages and reiterate the benefits recipients will receive through your newly built connection.


Implement Smarter Scheduling 

One of the finer details of content amplification involves when to push out your content. You can use the metrics provided by different platforms to understand when your target audience is frequenting specific channels. Then, you can use a resource like Hootsuite or Planoly to push out content during those optimized time windows. This will help put your content in front of your audience when they are most engaged and likely to interact with your content.


Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing campaigns should be focused, firstly, on building support for your brand and, secondly, amplifying your content to earn links. Shares and mentions can get lost in the multitude of shared content but links can help you rank higher by enriching your backlink profile. Influencers also benefit your brand because they add weight to the relevancy of your content and communicate to their own followers the value of what your brand has to offer.


Develop Advocates

GaggleAMP is a tool that can help you advocate your business across online channels. It expands your content’s reach by tapping into the contacts and new audiences of your employees. It increases online engagement by giving your partners, employees, and customer advocates the ability to share and engage with your content from a single platform. This software can strengthen the distribution of your content and lets you build actionable reports to understand the performance of your content.


Amplify Only Your Best Content

Content amplification is most effective when you promote only the very best content you’ve created. There is a fine balance between getting your brand in front of people and oversaturating their feeds with your posts. With that in mind, only the top one to two percent of your most exceptional content should be amplified.




  • Give Links to Get Authoritative Backlinks

  • Use Native Advertising

  • Engage with Niche Communities

  • Feature Social Sharing Buttons

  • Include “Shoutouts”

  • Invest in Paid Social Amplification

  • Use Email Outreach

  • Implement Smarter Scheduling

  • Collaborate with Influencers

  • Develop Advocates

  • Amplify Only Your Best Content



One of the highest priorities for marketers will always be the goal of getting content in front of more and more people. Done correctly, content amplification can deliver impressive results. While the suggestions above will help guide to towards the accomplishment of that goal, there is no guaranteed formula for successful content amplification. Without a doubt, the first step is to regularly create exceptional content because no matter how many ways you work on amplifying your content, if it isn’t worthy of consumer attention, it is all for naught.

Consistent, relentless pushing of high-quality content aimed at your targeted audience is key for success. The experts at Strategy Driven Marketing understand the importance of creating amazing content and then amplifying that content to ensure the highest level of reach and engagement. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation, the team SDM is ready to help you with all of your content marketing and amplification needs. We look forward to partnering with you and helping you grow your brand to the next level!