Everything You Should Know About Infographics

Today’s public suffers from information overload. As a result, we want to understand things easily and quickly. 93% of human communication is non-verbal and a majority of information is presented to our brains through sight. Images that effectively illustrate a point can make processing of information easier. Facts presented in an easy way to gather hold our collectively short attention span. It is widely known that visuals aid comprehensive and, in fact, people retain as high as 65% of information three days later when an image is paired with text. Combine these ideas with the findings of eye tracking studies that found Internet readers pay attention to information bearing images and the concept of infographics makes complete sense.

Infographics are a means by which to present information in a visual manner. They are the telling of a comprehensive story though the use of texts and images. Infographics are educational tools that can simplify complex concepts or explain how something works. People will more easily follow a process or instructions with illustrations than those without. Infographics provide value-added content to consumers and, while not a sales pitch, they indirectly raise brand awareness.

As with any direct or indirect marketing tool, there are dos and don’ts of infographics. To make the most of SEO benefits, your infographics should be shareable – natural links back to your website and useable on multiple Internet platforms. They are also reusable on paper and may be added to presentations or brochures. The color palette should be intentional and is a perfect branding opportunity, logo and all. Color visuals increase a person’s willingness to read by 80%. They should be eye-catching but don’t be afraid to incorporate white space into your designs.

Half the brain is dedicated to visual functioning and we can get the gist of a visual in 1/10 of a second so infographics should be visually appealing overall. Don’t try to say too much at once. Instead opt for simple, concise bits of information that focus on a topic and provide supporting details. Use creative, unique designs and don’t “borrow” from or imitate others layouts. The visual should be interesting but not at the expense of comprehension. Present clear, high quality images and legible fonts – not too busy, not too much text. The overall length and size of the infographic should be manageable regardless of the viewing device being used.

Infographics should be eye-catching for skimmers but also relevant. Your content should add something new to the conversation, share uncommon knowledge, and provide context for the visuals. Use up-to-date and reliable resources. Provide accurate, concrete details, and cite your resources and/or provide links to them. These pieces are an opportunity to associate specific content to your brand and should target a specific audience that you can educate, entertain, or solve a problem for.

There are a number of types of infographics. Timelines are well suited to show the history or evolution of a product, process or company. Data visualizations share dense information more efficiently and quickly than a spreadsheet might. Processes are easily shown via flow charts and comparison infographics allow side-by-side looks at a variety of things. Lists can be effective when kept short and simple, anatomy infographics can break down products into core components and maps, well, they show things best displayed on a map.

There are many benefits of integrating infographics into your overall marketing strategy. They promote brand awareness and recognition, especially if your company logo is embedded. They are a source of value-added content and allow you to display your expertise. Facts and figures lend authority to you as an industry expert and more readily convince readers than plain text. Interactive infographics can keep readers engaged with your business through links and pop-up information and they are analytics friendly so you can see who clicked, how long they looked, whether or not they shared and how they shared.

We know visuals are more likely to be read than text alone and a well-organized storyline can effectively hold a reader’s attention. Infographics convey a lot of information in a small amount of space and as many images are universal, may be understood by a wider audience. Instead of looking at infographics as one more thing to incorporate in your marketing toolkit, think of them as great branding tools and an opportunity to get creative as you share information you are passionate about.

Need help formulating engaging and educational infographics for your company? We can help! Our team of talented designers and content strategist partner to tell your story and get the message across through eye-catching visuals. Contact us today to get started!